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2024 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate Distinction

"We are happy to inform you that your campaign has been awarded the 2024 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction. Thank you again for advocating for gun violence prevention and making a commitment to govern with gun safety in mind."

- Moms Deman Action

2023 Affordable Housing Champion Award

"We are grateful for Congressman Panetta’s leadership on the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act, critical legislation that would finance significantly more affordable rental housing for communities across the country at a time when it is so desperately needed."

- Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition (AHTCC)


2024 Organizational Endorsements:


AFSCME California

Alliance for Retired Americans


California Democratic Party

California Environmental Voters

California Labor Federation

California State Association of Letter Carriers

California Teachers Association

California Young Democrats

Central Coast Labor Council

Democratic Activists for Women Now (DAWN)

Democratic Women's Club of Santa Cruz County

Democratic Women of Monterey County
Equality California

Human Rights Campaign PAC

Humane Society

IBEW Local Union 234

International Franchise Association (IFA)

Laborers' International Union of North America (LiUNA!)

Monterey Bay Central Labor Council

Monterey County Democratic Party

Monterey County Weekly

​National Association of Social Workers

National Education Association (NEA)

National Union of Healthcare Workers

Planned Parenthood Action Fund


San Luis Obispo County Democratic Party

Santa Cruz County Democratic Party

Santa Cruz City Firefighters, Local 1716

Santa Cruz Sentinel

SEIU California

Service Employees International Union, 521

Sierra Club Political Committee

Sierra Club Ventana Chapter

Silicon Valley Asian Pacific American Democratic Club (SVAPADC)

S.M.A.R.T. California Sheet Metal Workers', Local Union No. 104

South Bay Labor Council, AFL-CIO

UA Local Union 393

United Farm Workers

Villages Democratic Club

VoteVets PAC


2024 Elected Official Endorsement:

Seth Armstrong, Former U.S. Representative

Dawn Addis, California State Assemblymember

Gail Pellerin, California State Assemblymember

Dominic Cortese, Former California State Assemblymember

Dawn Ortiz-Legg, San Luis Obispo County Supervisor, District 3

Ryan Coonerty, Former Santa Cruz County Supervisor, District 3

Nancy Kotowski, Former Monterey County Superintendent of Schools

Bill Peake, City of Pacific Grove Mayor

Kim Barber, Monterey City Council

Rene Spring, Morgan Hill City Council

Jacques Bertrand, Former Capitola City Council

Mickie Luna, Former Hollister City Council

Larry Carr, Former Morgan Hill City Council

Lowell Hurst, Former Watsonville City Council

Rebecca Garcia, Former Watsonville City Council

Donna Ziel, Cabrillo College Board of Trustees

Kathleen Lee, Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District

Reed Geisreiter, Santa Cruz Port District

Bob Locatelli, Ben Lomond Fire Protection District

Prive Tarbet, Zayante Fire Protection District


2024 Community Leader Endorsements:

2024CADEMEndorsement (1).png
Sierra Club Endorsement Seal_Color-1.png

Mark Abelson

Mike Abler

Becky Adams

Dane Adams

Sharon Agorastos

Steven Allen

Alice Amour

Robin Andrew

Russell Andrews

Ken Arconti

Charles Arenson

Dr. John Avella

Angela Backers

Doug Barker

John Baruck

Kris Beal

Steve Bean

Danny Bernstein

Charles Biller

Cory Black

Susan Black

Lucia Boggiatto

Debbie Boozer

Candy Bowman

Gloria Boyd

Annette Brehmer

Catherine C. Brock

Susan Brooks

Lois Brown

Michael Browne

William Buffalo

Barbara Bullock-Wilson

Tammy Bullock

Mark Burger

Lynn Burgess

Melody Burgess

Frank Bush

Gregor and Diane Cailliet

Nancy Pond Caldwell

Allan Campbell

Karen Card

Stuart Carlson

Philip Carmichael

Ben Carrillo

Otto Catrina

Hal Chase

Boris Chea

AJ Cho

Melani Clark

Joan Clay

Hubert Cnudde

Bob Coble

Elena N. Cohen

Howard Cohen

Christine Coke

Judy Colvin

Suzanne Cortese

Daniel Costa

Raymond Costa

Ronald Cristando

Spencer Critchley

Jesus Cruz

Diane Cunanan

Dennis Curry

Noreen Dahlstrom

Bonnie Daniel

Judy Darnell

Melissa Davis

Rebecca Davis

Peter De Gregorio

Lillian Dean

Thomas Deetz

Michael DeLapa

Jimmy J. Demertzis

Brigitte Desouches

Mita Dey

Frederick DeYoung

Marie DiCarlo

Charlotte Dickson

Elizabeth Dirks

Susan Ditzler

Douglas Droese

Eleuthera Paulina du Pont-Passigli

Terrance Duncan

Yessenia Echevarria

Sarah Edmundson

Richard Egelhofer

Monica Esposito

Katie Excoffier

Karla Farah

Patricia M. Farley

David Farwell

Vince Fata

Debra Feldstein

Ramon Felix

Thomas Ferrin

Jeannie Finlay-Kochanowski

John Fitz Randolph

Kathleen Flynn

Barbara Frances

Jan Frank

Stephen Fugita

Kirk Gafill

Michael Gaines

Joe Gallagher

Joyce Garvey

Roland Garwood

Frances R. Gaver

Richard S. Gerber

A. Ghezzi

Mark Giordani

Maria Gitin Torres

John-Mark Gladstone Jr

Tom Glavin

Darrel Gleason

Toby Goddard

Andrew Goldenkranz

Jeoffry Gordon

Colin Gough

Gary Grant

Susan Greenbaum

Joseph Greene

Dr. Tom Griffin

Gary Griggs

Gail Groves

Richard Guthrie

Bryan Hackett

Connie Hall

Roberta Hall

Steve Hanleigh

John A. Hardy

Barbara Harper

Susan Harris

Andrew Harrod

Susan Harvey

Lu Larsen Haussler

Lesle Helgason

Jenny Heth

Ann Hill

Lee Hodge

Cathy Hogan

Angela Hollander

Nancy Hollingsworth

Rona Homer

Robert Hommon

Mary A. Hostetler

Dennis Hough

Louis Hsieh

John Hubanks

Phyllis Hubbard

Mike Hubbell

Kathryn Huckaby

Karen Hunting

Kimball Hurd

Melissa Hutchinson

Georgia Ireland

Andrew Jackson

Kathy Jacobs

Jay Jamali

Sharon Johannes

Gine Johnson

Kirk Johnson

Lynn Johnson

Fred Jones

Ford Kanzler

Elizabeth Karzag

Paul Katz

Katharine Kehr

Joanne Kelly

Geraldine Kennon

Kevin Kester

Michele and Robert Kibrick

Robert Kibrick

Loreen T. Kinney

Catherine Kobrinsky Evans

Michael Krautkramer

Kathy Kunze

Elissa Kurk

Barbara L Lopez

Gail Lack

Gary Landgrebe

Rick Larsen

Robert Lata

Arnold Leff

Nancy Leon

Joanne LePage

M. Virginia Leslie

Karen Letendre

George Lewis

Hy Libby

William Little

Richard M. Litvak

Elena Longsworth

David Lyons

Brenda Mack

Nancy Macy

Laura Maitra

Michael Mark

Kevin Markoe

Marlene Martin

Carol Matteson

Susan Mauriello

Richard Mazzarella

Larry McFall

Margaret G McIntosh

Mary McKenna

Stanley Mellin

Patricia Merrifield

Gail Michaelis-Ow

Linda Milgate

Clint Miller

F Miller

Lesley J. Miller

Vicki Miller

Emi Mochizuki

Oscar Moreno

Robert Morgan

Gayle Mott

Petra Mottishaw

William Mountrey

Brenda Murdock

Lauren Murdock

Terry Ann Murphy

Brian T. Murtha

Jody Nakashima

Utkarsh Nath


Maria Nesheim

Francie Newfield

Phuong Nguyen

Thomas Nickelson

Michael Nieto

Shirene Niksadat

Robert and Karma Nilsen

Glenn and Merry Nolte

Ann Notthoff

Eduardo Ochoa

John Oda

Valerie Ortega

Gayle Ortiz

Steve Page

Barbara Palmer

Ronald Parravano

James Pearson

Jane Pease

Terrence Pershall

Freya Peters

Teresa Petrak

Kevin Philbin

Justin Philipps

John M. Phillips

Barbara Polhamius

Robert Presswood

Jonathan Price

Mike Pruger

James Quist

David Ramos

Coco Raner-Walter

Edward Redig

Maxine Reneker

F. Carlene Reuscher

Judy Rickard

Carolyn Roberts

Gary Robinson

Jessica Rodriguez

Rick Rogers

Donald Roland

Tisa Roland

Roy Rosa

Richard Rosenthal

Suellen Rubin

Gail Ryall

David S. Sabih

Amy Salas

Nedal Saleh

Barbara Saler

George Sanchez

Elliott Sanford

Karen Sanguinetti

Gordon Saunders

George Schnarre

Carmen Scholis

Sarah Schroeder

Wende Sharrock

Stephen Shearn

Kimberly Shirley

Bob Shoberg

Michael Shulman

John Shuman

Michael Sibilia

Beverly Silsbee

Ronald Silva

Stephanie Singer

Kathleen Smart

Diane Smith

J. Joanna Smith

Geri Anne Solano-Simmons

Gil Stein

Susan Stilwell

Russell Stone

Anita Storhaug

Diane Stotler

Jane Sullivan

Chenoa Summers

Gabriele Swanson

Ronni Sweet

Karen Sylvan

Saundr Lee Taiz

Chris Tange

Eric Tarallo

Mike Teutschel

Shakayla Thomas

Don Thompson

Barbara Toshikian

Leanne Troy

Carolyn Turner

Jeff Uchida

Anne M. Van Alstyne

Betty Van Wagenen

Marilyn Veltrop

Vida Vescera

Gerry Wade

Anthony Walton

Jim Warren

Karen Warren

William Watkins

Stephen Webb

Dave Whipple

Steve Wiley

Janet M. Wilson

Rachel Wolf

Maryam Yazdi

Wendy Yen

Gwen Yeo

Jeffrey Young

Marc Zammit

Sandra Zappelli

Steven Zigman


Paid for by Jimmy Panetta for Congress

PO Box 103, Carmel Valley, CA 93924


FEC ID#C00592154

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